Monday, August 26, 2013

New School Year= Curriculum shopping!

This year was not like last year for a few reasons. Last year, we finished the reading, writing and math early and ended up back at the homeschool store in late February.  Since that time, we completed another level of the reading curriculum. Annndddd, James is reading. But he is reading so well that he is beyond the next level in the series. I've had a hard time figuring out what to do. I don't want him to be bored while at the same time making sure he is learning grammar/phonics. I decided to go with All About Spelling Level I for phonics work (and spelling. Duh.) And for actual reading, we will use books he is interested in reading. No curriculum necessary. Just really great books he likes. So far the list looks like this:

  1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
  2. Percy Jackson and the Olympians
  3. Alex Rider Series
  4. Kingstone Media Books
If you wish to make a suggestion, I am all ears. :) Leave a comment. 

So what did I get while shopping today? And how much did I spend? Let's see! 
  1. All about Spelling Level I                                   $29.95
  2. AAS divider cards                                             $4.95
  3. Janice VanCleave's 204 Science Experiments     $12.95
  4. Place mat of the United States with Capitals        $2.00
  5. Accountable Kids Program                                $42.00
  6. 2 Berenstain Bear books                                    $10.00
                                                             Grand Total: $100.90

That's probably far less than my traditional school counterparts spent. Additionally, I will buy the book series listed above and I am considering getting an online subscription to Explode the Code for $65 (12-month subscription) because James loves the computer so much. But right now I have everything I need to start the year and get us through December and a little beyond.We have no need for new school clothes or uniforms or shoes, no need to buy gobs of stuff I would be forced to share with an entire classroom of kids.

A look at our daily lessons for this year (we are doing first grade work):
  • Phonics 
  • Reading 
  • Math
  • Writing
  • Science (2 times a week)
Also, for 8 weeks in the Fall and Spring we participate in a local co-op that offers classes on Friday mornings. James takes 2 classes. This Fall I signed him up for a Fun and Games class and an animals class. I typically don't go home and do more lessons on those days. I will be team teaching a class this Fall with another mom called Founding Fathers. I am looking forward to it. There are also field trips and park play days. We are active members of the park play dates!

My biggest challenge this year is actually making time for Science. Ugh. I dislike having to search for all the materials I need for these experiments. But James loves it. He likes chemistry...mixing and stirring ingredients together to get an effect. He likes making his "mystery drink" every once in a while. It's lemonade but it's more fun when you call it "mystery drink". Sometimes he even talks you though each step like he's on a cooking show! It's messy and I get more upset about a mess in the house than a hurricane outside. Seriously. So, I'm working on it. 

I have been looking for a devotional for James but not finding anything that he seems interested in. We will probably re-read The Action Bible (TAB). I like some of the Kingstone Media books because they come in graphic novel format and it's reinforcing what we were reading with TAB. James was not very interested in the devotional for TAB because the stories were not new ones. This devotional looks kinda cool.

In the meantime, I gotta get in gear, get organized. School starts after Labor Day! That's right. Because I can!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Little Traveler

We sent James home with Nana and Pop-Pop on July 15th. Yep. We sent him on his first road trip right after his 6th birthday. He stayed until July 29th. That is a LONG time for a just-turned-six-year-old. It's also his first real trip away from home. Oh he's stayed with MawMaw and Didi plenty of times but they live near by and I don't think he has ever stayed for a whole week. He was eager to go. What an adventure!

I went away when I was little. I'd go to my cousin's house for a week during the summer. My sister would go with me. But we never got care packages from home. I think I got my first one when I was in college. The university sent out letters to the parents encouraging them to order care packages for their students right before final exams week. James has had a different life experience! The day after he left, I knew I needed to put together something for him. I had to use Google. I packed favorite things from home, a cool t-shirt, a book, candy, toothbrush, hair gel, vitamins...and Treats & Challenges. I created that. I wanted him to have something to open each day he was there. I put candy (of course) and a "challenge" in snack baggies- things like bible verses, count to 50 by 5's, count to 100 by 10's, tell Nana and Pop-Pop his address and do the Gangnam Style dance...just for fun!

We skyped (is that a verb now?) or talked on the phone almost every other day. I think we only missed one day. And when I skyped with him, we've talked for over an hour each time. He got homesick during the first weekend. It broke my heart. Nana said he cried when we hung up from Skype. I cried when I read the text. I knew something was wrong. I knew he was sad. She said he was fine all day until we got on Skype. Ugh. I know that feeling. Chris wanted to buy me a plane ticket to go down there and get him. It broke his hear too. But we took a few deep breaths and knew that he was really ok.

He's had an amazing time though! He now LOVES Legos! I have mommy friends to thank for that. They bought Legos Hero Factoryy sets for him for his birthday. He and Pop-Pop sat out on the back porch and put together TWO Hero Factory packs! He got another set when he went to LEGOLAND!!! How cool is that!?! I went online to see what it was all about and I cried so hard! The videos show all these happy families with little boys and I suddenly missed him terribly.

James went to a Bird of Prey sanctuary, outdoor/lake popular sites around Orlando, the Orlando Science Center, several restaurants and an Orlando Predators game to see his Uncle Mark play arena football. He had a great time! My gosh! Aunt Ruth even got in on the fun! She sent him homemade whale and great white shark cookies! Awesome! He went swimming in the backyard pool and went to a birthday party for a boy his age. The boy's grandmother lives next to Nana and Pop-Pop. Those guys had a great time together. James called him his new best friend.

Before James left, I joked with him that he better not change or grow while he was in Florida. Naturally, he would defy me. :) He graduated from pull-ups! He didn't want to sleep in pull-ups the first night so Nana and Pop-Pop said OK. He did that every night for 14 nights! Amazing! I am so proud! We rewarded him for it. He wanted a sword to go with his ninja costume. You bet I got it for him!

A ninja and his sword!

James also decided to change what he calls Pop-Pop. He has a couple of nicknames now. James calls him G-Pop or Pops. You gotta be pretty tight to get a nickname! And James loved Nana. He called me Nana for a few days after he got home! It was really cute! I can just imagine HOW many times he said, "Nana!".

Nana and Pop-Pop weren't too worn out either. They want to do it again next year! And so does James. :)