Monday, May 28, 2012

Back Home and feeling great about homeschooling!

The NCHE conference was great as usual. And I am happy to report that I did not leave the conference completely broke! The book fair is such a tempting place to spend my money and I am so eager to begin an academics program with James. I'll talk more about that in a separate post. It deserves it's very own space.
Even though I didn't spend a gazillion dollars, I did buy one thing, Handwriting Without Tears". I spent a whooping $23!!!!

I left inspired and content. I was so content with what I was doing and what I need to do at home and with James that I left the conference a day early. I missed James. I missed Chris. And I don't like to feel "far away" from them so I came home. When I went to pick up James from my Mom, he told me he loved me more than ice cream! I'm pretty sure I left a better wife. ;) I attended the workshop about homeschooling and romance. Heidi St. John is an excellent speaker. She and her husband often present these workshops together and they have also written books on the subject. Heidi has a website too. She helped me remember "That Girl", the girl my husband married. She reminded us all that homeschooling our children is important and it's hard work but it means nothing without a solid and happy marriage. My marriage is the TOP priority and the most important relationship in my home. And let me be candid, I married well. So it's not hard. And even if you aren't a homeschooler but you ARE married, your marriage needs you to remember "That Girl" too. :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

1 day down, 2 to go

Yesterday was a really good day! I went to 3 really great workshops, walked through the book fair a couple of times,saw old friends and last night I drank wine and got the chance to catch up with my good friend Rachael. She even had a roast in the crockpot for us!

This is my 3rd time attending the conference. I started coming when James was 2 years old. I know, I know, that's a little crazy acting since I wasn't planning any actual "school" until he was 3 or 4. But I am glad I came each year. I am not so overwhelmed with all the families coming and going or the book fair- it's bigger than the biggest Barnes and Noble I have ever been in- or the information in the workshops. I do feel kind of prepared to do this thing called home school.

I have noticed during my attendance each year that more African-American families are there. I like seeing that. I must admit, it looks like a sea of white. And this year I saw a Jewish family at the conference. I know because the two young boys were wearing their yarmulkes. Homeschooling has generally been a Christian movement but all teachings/workshops come from a Judeo-Christian view point. I hope that means that Christians and Jews who are compelled to homeschool can stand together in support of each other. AND....I saw Deaf families there. There are deaf kids with hearing parents attending the conference and a deaf couple with a little girl. I met them this year. I have seen a dear interpreter friend each year as she interprets for mom & dad and I introduced myself yesterday. They have one child too! Just like me! It's tough being the parent of an "only" at a homeschool gathering of any kind. I got a little teary yesterday with the wanting of another child. So many beautiful babies all around to see and hear. But I take a deep breath and keep it together. And today is a fresh start.

Workshops start at 11:00 am today but I will probably head out early to talk with the folks at the "Handwriting Without Tears" booth. Wanna hear what workshops I will be attending today??? SURE you do!

  1. The Busy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Romance! (I know, right?)
  2. The Joy of Learning with Your Young Child
  3. Preschool & Kindergarten Education at Home, Part 1
  4. Preschool & Kindergarten Education at Home, Part 2
  5. Teaching Your Child to Read- Made Easy or Habit Training: Key to Maintaining Your Sanity
Of course, all of that is subject to change as there are about 6-7 workshops to choose from for each session. The above-listed seem to be the best fit for me and what I am interested in learning.

See you later!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm here!

Me, Sandra, and Karla

I just arrived at the annual NCHE Conference & book fair in Winston-Salem. I've been here 30 minutes and I have already scoped out the Math U See booth at the book fair AND ran into two moms that took a mentoring class with me last Fall! We are all new homeschool moms. And we were all checking out the Writing Without Tears booth. :)
I am attending my first workshop. Its called "Evaluation: How to know what your child really knows" presented by Susan Chrisman.
I am blogging from my phone for the very first time. So....please disregard any crazy spelling & grammar as the spellcheck on this thing is possessed.

Me at Math U See booth

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Dentist Story and some random thoughts

Dentist Story
It was time for my dental cleaning this morning and James went with me. I would have planned to do it on a Monday when Chris is home to take care of him but my dentist's office is closed on Mondays. Little man was coming with me. You gotta love a dentist that will be so understanding. Well, needless to say, James LOVES it when I have to go to the doctor or dentist. He was at the doctor last week for another bout of  impetigo. The doctor had to lance a couple of little pustules on his thumb and it took me and a nurse to hold him down. It was not a fun day. He is doing better now because he saw the doctor. I'm sure, in his mind, he was thinking, "Yes! Your turn Mommy!" He really got the royal treatment during MY appointment. He got to push the button to take the x-ray photos of my teeth then he was say, "Open, Mommy!" so the hygienist could move the film around in my mouth. He got to sit opposite Ms. Erin (hygienist) on the the special chair with the belly bar. She gave him a pair of latex gloves and then handed him the suction tool. He really wanted the water squirter! It was a good compromise and he even got to use my mouth! Ha! It was cool. He got to ask all sorts of questions like these directed at Ms. Erin:

  • Can I make Mommy go down in the chair? (No)
  • Why do you wear that pink mask? (so our germs won't mingle)
  • Why is Mommy wearing sunglasses? (the light is very bright)
  • Is that blood? Ewww Mommy, you have blood! (it was just a little)
  • What are those green, yellow and red buttons? (to call the dentist)
  • Why can't I pick Mommy's teeth? (instrument too sharp)
  • Do we need to hold Mommy down? We should. (Lord!)
  • Did you see any sugar bugs in Mommy's mouth? (No it's super clean!)
  • Can I play on your computer? (No)
  • Mommy, what flavor is that toothpaste? Mint? (Yes)
  • Can I polish Mommy's teeth? (No)
  • Am I being a good dentist helper? (Yes!)
James professed his desire to be a dentist at the end of it all. It's surprising really. He has eight, yes eight, "silver teeth" (crowns) because he has had his own issues. He didn't like his last dental appointment because he had to have a small cavity filled. He even told his dentist that he was having a bad day. At one point, the hygienist asked James if he was in preschool and he responded, "Yep. I'm a homeschooler now.".  Her response was, "That's awesome!". I was so proud. And I couldn't help but think....he is getting to do cool stuff I never got to do growing up. I don't think I even went to the dentist or doctor with either of my parents. Ever. He has been allowed to be a "helper" AND get a prize from the treasure box. I got the opportunity to model how a good patient acts and interacts with the dentist/doctor. And make an appointment to get a cavity filled. Apparently there was a sugar bug.

Random Thoughts
  1. I was thinking about some additional things I want to do with James next year during Kindergarten. I found a great Art Study package of Van Gogh that I would like to do with him. I just love Van Gogh. Kids Study Art- Van-Gogh I also found another little fun thing call Little Passports which would be a great way to introduce geography. I want to buy a really cool globe like this! Ha!
  2. Did you read about the North Carolina teacher that was suspended with pay from Rowan County? Students defends himself in the classroom and records the whole thing with his phone and then posts it on Youtube. The link for the youtube video is at the end of the news story. Just crazy! The teacher was so hostile and....wrong!!!!!!! Yes, wrong. Anywho...
  3. I am all for freedom of speech in the classroom like the high school student that tried to do so in Rowan County but I really and truly believe students should say the Pledge of Allegiance. Frankly, I think it should be mandated. Who says the Pledge? Well apparently only 43 states/territories recite the Pledge. North Carolina does not require it through state statutes. That authority is given to the local school districts and even if a school district decides the schools will recite the Pledge, students are not required to do so. What a shame. Well...WE PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE!!!! WE ARE PROUD TO DO IT! AND WE ARE THANKFUL THAT WE CAN LIVE IN THIS GREAT NATION.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Math, Handwriting, Science...Check!

Well, my research has paid off! After figuring out what exactly a kindergartner needs to know, I found my focus. We definitely need to spend money on curriculum for Reading, Writing, Math, and Science. I am quite confused about reading curricula however. Everything is phonics, phonic, phonics. I honestly don't remember learning how to read using phonics and I am not sure about it. (If anyone out there has some information that will enlighten me I would greatly appreciate it.) So! I am sharing my picks below and I want to point out that what I have chosen thus far fits nicely into the Charlotte Mason approach to education AND the Classical Education approach. Score!

READING: I really have no idea right now. I am hoping to stumble across a booth at the NCHE book fair next weekend. I hope it has a bunch of neon lights all around it with a banner that says, "Connie! Over here! It's this one you want!". That would make it so easy. I tried the "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Lessons" about a year ago but James was NOT ready for it. I may try that again this summer to see if he is ready or if he just doesn't like it.

MATH: I have definitely decided to go with the Math U See curriculum. I LOVE their math! I was absolutely SOLD on it when I went to the website and saw a video demonstration of a sample lesson on place values.  Go to Math U See Primer and click to watch the second video on the page. James caught me wathcing it and crawled up on my lap to watch it with me. He seemed to like the idea of eleven being called "1-ty 1" instead. ;)

WRITING: Handwriting Without Tears This page from their website shows the teacher's guide and it has some really great videos that show their writing sequences. I think it's ingenious in it's simplicity!

SCIENCE: The Backyard Scientist: Series One  by Jane Hoffman. I should have picked up the first one this year but we will do some fun stuff in the Fall! I found this on one of the Charlotte Mason websites.

What I will spend:
  • Math U See Primer Set: $85.00
  • The Backyard Scientist: $6.00
  • Handwriting Without Tears: $21.00
Grand Total (right now without reading curriculum): $112.00

In a recent post, I set my budget at $400 for curricula. So far, I am doing pretty good. This, however, is strictly for curricula and does not include fun books to read, pencils, pens, arts & craft supplies. I WISH I spent more on arts and crafts but James is just not interested in coloring or drawing or big art projects. He is a "Wiggly Willy". He wants to MOVE! And he wants to TALK! Anyway...This also does not include field trips or sports teams that he may want to try next year either. But! I am excited! I am developing a plan and a path for us and all the while remembering that "kindergarten" means "a child's garden".

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kindergarten Benchmarks to Consider

I am gearing up for the homeschool conference at then end of the month and panic has started to set in. I STILL don't know WHAT to buy! Then I had an idea! I need to know exactly what kids completeing kindergarten know. And here is a list I found:

By the end of kindergarten, you can expect your child to:

  • Follow class rules
  • Separate from a parent or caregiver with ease  this ain't happening! haha
  • Take turns
  • Cut along a line with scissors
  • Establish left- or right-hand dominance
  • Understand time concepts like yesterday, today, and tomorrow (almost there)
  • Stand quietly in a line um, probably won't be working on this either.
  • Follow directions agreeably and easily (most of the time)
  • Pay attention for 15 to 20 minutes
  • Hold a crayon and pencil correctly
  • Share materials such as crayons and blocks
  • Know the eight basic colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, black, white, and pink
  • Recognize and write the letters of the alphabet in upper- and lowercase forms
  • Know the relationship between letters and the sounds they make (90% of the time)
  • Recognize sight words such as the and read simple sentences
  • Spell his first and last name
  • Write consonant-vowel-consonant words such as bat and fan
  • Retell a story that has been read aloud
  • Identify numbers up to 20
  • Count by ones, fives, and tens to 100
  • Know basic shapes such as a square, triangle, rectangle, and circle
  • Know her address and phone number
  • I, Connie, am adding the Pledge of Allegiance 

All the highlighted items are skills that James can do right now so now I know what we will need to focus on in the Fall. We will still work on all of the listed items but this lets me know where to focus our energies. I can already tell that handwriting will be a task. Fine motor skills work will be a very important part of our lessons next year. And I really want to get him on the road to reading. Thank goodness for the homeschooling email groups I subscribe to. Another mother just sent out an email requesting  curriculum recommendations for teaching kindergarten next year. I now have some curriculum choices to research before the conference.

As a reminder to myself, kindergarten is a "child's garden". I am not trying to surpass the objectives given in a public classroom setting. My goal is to create an environment that will instill a love of learning and give James the opportunity to accelerate in areas where he can and give him extra focus in areas where he will need it. One of the beauties of homeschooling is that the freedom to focus on the individual child is a given, not the exception. As a former public-school-teacher-turned-homeschooler once told me, "90% of teaching is knowing the child".

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Strawberries! Strawberries! Pick your own fun!

 Chris, James and I went on a field trip with some other homeschoolers this past Monday morning. We went to a local farm called Vollmer Farm that opens their farm to the public so folks can pick their own strawberries. And right now in NC, the strawberries are perfect for picking! In fact, May is strawberry month. It didn't take us long to fill a 5 pound bucket full of delicious Sweet Charlie strawberries. If you are in North Carolina, check out www, to find a farm near you. And if you are not at your computer, there's an app for that (for iphone only)! Look up "North Carolina Strawberry Farm Locator". And if you are so inclined, you can "like" them on Facebook at NC Strawberry. Heck! While you are at it, "like" Carolina Strawberry Festival, Wallace! The festival is happening on May 14th, 2012. We just might have to plan another field trip!

While we were at the farm's store, I grabbed a pamphlet about strawberries. It included recipes and I decided to try the Strawberry Bread recipe. It's in the oven right now! I took the liberty (I usually do) of adding some slivered almonds to my bread. I love nuts in bread and I just happened to have some. I mixed them with the dry ingredients right before I added the wet ingredients and mixed it all together. James even helped me put all the dry ingredients in the bowl. He couldn't believe that I was making strawberry bread for the first time! Ha! Now let's just cross our fingers that he will actually taste a bite. Happy picking!