I stumbled upon Xtramath by checking a homeschooler email newsletter. That is awesome. It has allowed us to take a break from the worksheets but still work on math skills. And, by the way, it's free and open to anyone. It's not just for homeschoolers. Levels of math start at kindergarten and go to higher levels of math so kids can get extra practice and hone their skills. James loves the computer and he likes that he is doing it on his own. It's also timed. He will do math for about 10 minutes and then he is done for the day. He doesn't get as frustrated and he likes it.
James is reading really well. I am happy with this and he is naturally reading everything and he is now spelling entire sentences outloud. Here's how yesterday sounded:
James: H-I M-O-M-M-Y. I L-O-V-E Y-O-U more than you love me exclamation mark.
Me: H-E-L-L-O J-A-M-E-S. I L-O-V-E Y-O-U T-O-O.
James: C-A-N Y-O-U L-O-G M-E O-N M-I-N-E-C-R-A-F-T P-L-Z?
Me: N-O.
James: W-H-Y M-O-M-M-Y?
And so it goes. So I felt like we needed to change what we had been using. I found Explode the Code Online through the recommendations from other homeschooling moms. Explode the Code is great because, again, it has a computer-based option so James can work on his own. Also, this program is used in the public schools and not just for homeschoolers so if your child needs some extra fun practice, this is great.
I love our handwriting curriculum but I felt we needed to "back up" a little. I started making handwriting sheets that James can trace. I used them before I ever bought curriculum. I can give him vocabulary words to trace or a bible verse or his name and address. And this is also free and can be used by anyone.
We have been going on almost every field trip that is planned through our homeschool group. If the field trip is geared for his age group, we are there! We have field trips planned as far out as May!
- Bi-weekly park play days
- Videri Chocolate Factory
- Valentine's Day Party
- Charlotte's Web play
- 8-week Legacy Co-op (Fridays)
- Schoolhouse of Wonder
- Museum of Life and Science
- JC Raulston Arboretum
- Animal Farm Days
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Visiting a state park
- Going to the movies
- Road trip or visiting the USS North Carolina
Since we are taking it a little slow on some of the fundamentals, I decided that taking more time to sit and read books together would be a great addition to our daily routine. Bedtime stories happens every night but reading together during the day is better. I ended up buying a history curriculum that has short stories in it as well as small projects to do together. It's available on Amazon too. The first thing James had to do was learn about his OWN history and called some family members to interview them. It will become a book for him to keep complete with pictures and all. His very own family tree.
I have made a conscious decision to take it slow. To let James guide me. I look to him to let me know when we need to speed up and when we need to slow down. And this will vary from subject to subject. We cruise along at reading and vocabulary. We go a little slower for math and handwriting. For him, "school" should be fun and playful. I want him to love learning; to forever be curious and ask questions.
I leave you with a quote from Heidi St. John. She's a homeschool guru. If you like it, follow her blog.
If you are being held hostage by a burdensome curriculum or a program that promises to get your kid into college—and if you’re wondering if this was really the life that God had designed for you, I challenge you to look at those first homeschool moms. They set the bar—and they did it without expensive “all inclusive” programs. They did it by faith. They did it because they knew God would provide for their every need if they would only trust Him to guide and direct them.
These precious moms found out that God is faithful. He can be trusted. His mercies are new every day.
His yoke is easy. His burden is light.
- Heidi St. John's blog
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