Monday, January 13, 2014

The Great Debate 2.4.14

Ken Ham of will be debating the famous Bill Nye The Science Guy at 7 pm on February 4, 2014. It'll be streamed live from the Creation Museum outside Cincinnati, Ohio on the Answers in Genesis website. Tickets sold out in 2 minutes!

Summary of the debate from

I will be watching for sure. I plan to teach creationism science in our homeschool. I plan to teach the theory of evolution too. We'll read the Bible. And Darwin. I REALLY want to go to the Creation Museum one day. Family vacation/homeschool field trip. But until then, I found this cool website Kids Answers.


Anonymous said...

Connie ~ I, too, will find the debate interesting. Not sure how I can access it 'live' (or later in its entirety). Anyway, I thought you might find the following interesting; it comes closest to my take on the 'debate' at this point. Blessed be. ~Nancy

Connie Jo Hutchinson said...

Hey Nancy! Thanks for the reading and the link to the article. Very interesting take indeed. I have never actually heard of "young earth" creationists. I liked the point the author was making: that God is the active agent in creating this world and holding to that belief does not make one anti-science. "Harmony" would certainly be a hoped-for outcome. If you haven't see the documentary that Ben Stein did called "Ben Stein Expelled", it's worth your time.