It's been over a week since my last post. I knew when I started this that I would not be able to do this on a daily basis. Partly to blame is my schedule, but also I am a real-life mother and wife with daily activities that keep me constantly on the go. However, I am happy to report that last week we were on vacation and that is the reason for the absence. We drove down to Orlando to visit Nana and Pop-Pop. We enjoyed Halloween with them and Uncle Mark and Aunt Jill. James dressed up as Optimus Prime- muscles and all. He went trick-or-treating and even helped pass out candy to the witches and zombies that came to Nana and Pop-Pop's house. I'm not sure which part he liked best. We even got to take our first trip to Disney's Magic Kingdom too. One of the best moments for me to witness during our vacation was during an evening after we had all eaten dinner and sat around talking. James sat with Nana for a bit and showed her all the cool games he plays on Mommy's phone. And then, as he looked at the spiderweb decoration Nana had hung, James says, "Spiderweb. That starts with an "S"." "That's right", I say. He looks around the room for another object and says, "House. House starts with an "S"". I said, "No, but house
ends with an "S"". He thought about it a moment and said, "Squirrel starts with "S".". "Yes!", I said, "That's right". I have heard it time and again from homeschooling moms that one day, all of a sudden, your child gets it. And that's what happened with James that night. We have talked about the letters and the sounds they make but he had never participated in the activity very much. But! He was listening! We even sounded out the word "Transformer" the other night during storytime. He is on the road to reading for sure. I am keeping calm though. I want him to love learning and always be excited about books and what's in them. One other funny thing (sort of) that happened while on vacation was that James got a blister on his pinky toe one day while out walking. That's not the funny part. When he saw the popped blister with the skin hanging there on his little toe....he....freaked....out. Cried and screamed and begged for a band-aid. That's not the funny part either. With band-aid and Neosporin in place, the crying and whining continued. He couldn't stop thinking about the blister. To get his mind off of the darn thing, I said to him, "James, how do you spell your name? Can you spell it for me?". And here's the funny part: He whines, "J-A-M-E-S!". Just like that! Nana, Aunt Jill and I were kind of stunned. I thought it would take him a few seconds at least; that he'd have to think about it. But NOOOOOOO! The kid has been holding back on me! The blister made top billing from his vacation. He had to tell everyone about it or asked that I tell MawMaw and DiDi about it. He needed to know WHO had had a blister before and what did they do. Did it hurt? How long did it take for it to go away? This child will NOT be a doctor...for people. No way. But that's ok. He said he was going to be a hunter instead. Don't even ask.
Halloween Trick-or-Treating |
Watching the 3 O'clock Parade at Disney |
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