Friday, October 28, 2011

Things a 4-year-old says

  1. 100-year-old man completes the marathon. After seeing this photo of the centenarian who completed a marathon, James asked, "Mom! Is that God?"
  2. Does everyone live in the United States? What's the United States?
  3. I fink I will try new foods when I am 100.
  4. I fink when I was a baby, I didn't fink about much.
  5. Are we going to Harris the Teeter?
  6. Do you like my voice Mommy? I like yours. It sounds great to me.
  7. Do you like Daddy's voice Mommy?
  8. James: I love you. Me: I love you too sweet baby. James: Fanks Mommy.
  9. Do I look fabulous?
  10. Mom! Don't comb my handsome hair!
  11. Are you proud of me? What's "proud of me" mean?
  12. Is steak an animal? What kind? What about hamburger? Is that steak?
  13. I need to floss after I swish and spit.
  14. After anything fun, James always asks, "What was your favorite park?"
  15. Sparky is my brover (brother). (Sparky is the dog)

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