Wednesday, May 14, 2014

No More Short Order Cook.

I decided that James will eat whatever we eat for dinner. It's time. No more cooking a dang grilled cheese every single night. So last night I made baked chicken and broccoli over pasta. James cried like I slapped him when I put his plate in front of him. My husband got crafty tonight after I left for work. He cut up the chicken into shreds, melted some cheese over it and put on pita bread. James ate 3 bites. And afterwards:

Chris: "Thanks for trying it James."

James: "Thanks for making me eat it."

What?!?! That's right. He thanked his Dad for making him eat something he has heretofore refused to even let sit on his plate.

Tonight, as I went downstairs to start dinner, James asked to help. He wanted to know what we were having. Salad and kale ravioli with marinara sauce. He wanted to know what kale tasted like and I told him we had some in the frig. Next thing I know, he is in there searching for kale! He wants to take a bite of it. Taste it. He did it twice! He seemed even a little eager to try the ravioli. I told him it had cheese and kale inside and it's made with wheat pasta on the outside. He says, "Whole wheat pasta?!? I like that!". Now you tell me!

Here is James with his plate presented to him. See how apprehensive he is? All he has on the plate are carrots, cucumber slices and ONE ravioli. Marinara on the side. Water to drink. (If I give him milk, he will chug it and be full.)

We talked for a bit about the food on his plate and he is smiling and excited. What if he ate the whole entire ravioli??? He says, "I could have brownies for dessert!" I told him, "If you ate the whole thing, Daddy would totally take you to the DQ." I was dead serious and he knew it. His sweet face lit up like the twelfth of July (that's his birthday). He took one GOOD bite and chewed. It was not his favorite but he drank some water and took another bite. He would not try the marina. I tried to tell him it would make it taste even better. He was having no part of it. (honestly, he never liked the pasta with tomato sauce in baby food either) He is not a dipper. Won't even put gloriously delicious real maple syrup on his pancakes. What the world? 

In the end, he ate 5 bites of the ravioli and ate all his vegetables. That was the deal. And let me tell you, he is a negotiator. He negotiated until it was time for me to go to work. 30 minutes. He can wear you down if you aren't mentally prepared for it. He is a strong-willed child. I will love that later. I didn't love it today.

It has just occurred to me that James has been a PILL these last 2 days because he knows he will have to eat something new at dinner. So the rest of the day he has been defiant and contrary...about every little thing! It has not been fun. It was so bad yesterday that I cancelled an outing for today. And grounded him from the computer. He got sent to his room at least 5 times today for being disrespectful and defiant. 

I love him so much. One day he will understand it better. He will see it with his adult eyes. Sometimes we play a game called "What was the worst part of your day? What was the best part of your day?". Yesterday we read his entire book of mythological monsters. That was the best part. That happened at 8:30 in the morning. Today? Watching him take little steps to becoming a Big Kid. I had the chance to give him praise today. To tell him that I am SUPER SUPER proud of him for trying new food. There is a part of me that thinks he wants me to push him to this...because he won't do it by himself. He knows I care about him and his future. I don't want him to be some 60-year-old dude who only eats grilled cheeses for lunch and dinner. No way. If he does become that guy, it won't be for lack of having tried new food. And he'll still be expected to eat what I cook when he comes to visit!

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