Monday, July 22, 2013

Compelling Reasons to Homeschool

12 Most Compelling Reasons to Homeschool

I came across this article via Facebook and HAD to share it somewhere! I find that people that want to read about homeschooling will look here and probably ignore my "share" on Facebook. These reasons are nothing new to me but it's more interesting to consider when you see that the author is a professional in the public school setting.

One thing that is NOT mentioned (by name) in the article is Common Core. While Ms. Nielsen mentions that "education reform is happening today,'s slow and ineffective" (emphasis is mine). Common Core also goes far beyond testing and grading and general ineffectiveness. It's cutting out cursive writing and multiplication tables. Yes, you read that right. Common Core eliminates the requirement of memorizing the multiplication tables. I'm sorry but that is great brain training...and what if the battery in your calculator dies???? Let's be practical.

As the mother of a child that LOVES technology- and what youngster doesn't- even Skype has something to offer in the way of learning via their favorite media. James has been at Nana and Pop-Pop's for a week now...with a week to go before coming home. He's six and it's his first time away from home. Needless to say, we've been on Skype almost every day. And what James likes to do on Skype is to type messages back and forth. He is guessing at the spelling of words based on the sound and rather than let him keep guessing, I am giving him the correct spelling. Voila! Spelling lessons via Skype and he LIKES it! He probably doesn't even realize it's a "lesson" so don't anyone tell him!!

And the other biggie listed in the compelling reasons is that kids are not grouped by age and geography when they are educated at home. James often plays and sees kids his age but it's more often a scenario of a bunch of kids in an age range. He loves hanging out with our 12-year-old neighbor. She has something to teach him. And kids younger than him can have someone to follow and mimic. James is also very good at talking to people of ANY age. He's a talker in general but he doesn't necessarily feel intimidated by adults. He will tell him what's on his mind. Like the time he told the dentist that he was having a bad day (because he was there and didn't like it) and how he orders his own food in restaurants and will catch the waitress as she quickly walks by to make sure he gets a refill on his soda. :)

Now if only I could convince him to eat pizza!

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