Well, I happily reported to my mom and mother-in-law last night via email that James is about to complete the
All About Reading Pre-reading program. Yep, we will be completely done and I can have a little ceremony to give him the cute little certificate of completion next week on Tuesday. And THEN, I am looking at our
Math-U-See Primer curriculum, and it looks like we will be finishing that up by the end of February. How did that happen??? I never expected to run out of curriculum before the end of the year!
And so, I get to do the fun thing....I get to go to the homeschool store and check out curriculum again! I am all set to move James onto the next level of the All About Reading program
Level 1. We will also continue with Math-U-See
Alpha program. With all of this moving-right-along thing we got going, I think I am going to take a really good look at adding some really meaty science to our lessons.
Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy. It would be a great time to make this addition. James is taking an Outer Space class in the co-op we attend this semester (every Friday morning for 8 weeks) and we just got
The Action Bible! It is the coolest thing ever!!!!!! I give it FIVE stars!! I mean I have taken James to see ALL the action hero movies. I am THAT mom! When we went to go see The Avengers, I ordered us T-shirts to wear! LOL
Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden |
I had been struggling to find a good devotions book or bible that we could use together. And last week during the Mom's R & R hour at our co-op, a mom recommended The Action Bible. What a great way to introduce the bible to little boys! I am sure there are some little girls out there that would love this book. I have watched James and his friends pretend to be spies, dragons and ninjas, robots and superheros. This bible captures his attention with great short stories and awesome illustrations. We read, probably, 4 or 5 stories in a row today. And, because I am THAT mom, I loved reading the stories which made them more interesting to hear. Don't you remember when you were little, you KNEW which books your Mom or Dad loved to read because they read it with such passion. I think James will remember us sitting and reading The Action Bible....and
Guess How Much I Love You. I love that freakin' book. It permeates our day.
Me: I love you to pieces!!
James: Well, I love you to the moon!
Me. I love you to the moon and back again.
James: I love you to the moon, around the sun, bouncing back up to the moon a-hundred and two thousand billion percent.
Me: I love you like all that AND doing a little dance!
And each time it's different. But James does love his percents and really big numbers!
So, here we are. Doing our thang. It's so good to be a homeschool mom. sigh.
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