Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Finding My Groove

Last year, life was pretty easy. I had signed up James for the YMCA preschool program 2 times a week for their morning program. He loved it and I loved having some time to do extra work, go shopping or just be at home. He was 3 years old and I thought the 3's were much more challenging that the 2's. He started to learn his ABC's, count and write his name. As the summer was coming to an end and the time drew nearer for us to start doing something "formal" with the Calvert School PreK curriculum I bought last February on sale, I started to panic. How was I going to do this when I am working a part-time job 4 nights a week until  midnight? I need to plan and I need to sleep. I really need sleep. I shouldn't have worried so much because a comfortable pattern started to emerge once we started doing lessons in the morning. James and I enjoy our chocolate milk and coffee respectively. And while James is watching yet another episode of PBS' Dinosaur Train (he says he is going to be a dinosaur doctor. That's 4-year-old speak for paleontologist), I go into our fun yellow room and look at the day's lesson. Since he is a preschooler, it doesn't take too long and we always add our own parts to the lessons. My goal this year is to continue to encourage his curiosity and eagerness to do lessons. On some of our usually busy days, Dad (Chris) has stepped in to do lessons in the evening with James. That was a nice surprise that I hadn't anticipated when I was worried about being over-tired and when/how to plan. I have also created some specific goals for James that have developed during the past couple of months. I want him to enjoy writing so we still do handwriting practice on a small scale. When he gets tired of it, we stop. Chris and I are also teaching him to memorize his address and phone number. And we have lots of field trips planned. Right now is a great time to explore. So this month we are going to a battlefield (They have a cannon! And they are going to shoot it!), another free concert, a farm, a doughnut shop, and helping out at the Food Pantry by bagging groceries for folks who are in need. Oh! And participating in the Family Softball Game day. Learning IS fun! And I can do this!

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