Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This absolutely terrifies me.

 James is a seriously picky eater. It seemed to start when when he stopped eating baby food and started eating real food. Currently James will ingest the following:

  • grilled cheese sandwich (Subway makes the best ones. And MawMaw too)
  • milk (whole and chocolate)
  • homemade smoothies
  • waffles/pancakes (no syrup)
  • chicken nuggets (selective)
  • french fries
  • juice
  • chips/pretzels
  • nuts (almonds, pistachios)
  • macaroni and cheese (selective)
  • candy and cookies
  • apples
  • strawberries
  • yogurt
  • ice cream/popsicles
  • cucumbers and green pepper (when forced)
  • popcorn
  • cereal (even some that are not "kid" cereal)
  • cheese (American, Gouda, mozzarella)
  • doughnuts
He used to eat carrots but he complains about them now and refuses to eat them. So there are two vegetables on his list. He used to eat watermelon and cantaloupe but he seems to have developed an allergy to melons. No pizza. No salad or tomatoes. No toast. No hot dogs or hamburgers. No sauces, ketchup, dressing. No mayo or mustard. No grilled chicken. No bacon. (can you even believe it???)

I am terrified that he will never ever be willing to try new food. REAL food. Mouth-watering Italian or cheesy Mexican. A perfectly grilled steak or fresh salmon. Mashed potatoes with the bits of red skin in it or fried okra. Greek salads and scrambled eggs. Biscuits. Butter beans. How does one live to be in their 60's without trying and loving these foods? Apparently, it happens. Just read this article.

I tell James that I am not worried. I tell him that when he hits puberty, grilled cheeses won't be enough. He will WANT to try new foods so he can feed and sustain his growing body. But sometimes I am not so sure. We have forced him to sit at the dinner table before and take a bite of one butter bean. I caught it on video. He cried and screamed. For over 15 minutes. I would post it here but it's too long and it wouldn't be very nice of me to show him at his worst. 

He did eat a few bites of pizza on his 4th birthday. He didn't really like it. But he tried it!!! But even now when we go to birthday parties, he is not thrilled to see pizza being served. He didn't eat any at the birthday party we went to last weekend. But a few months ago, we didn't say anything to him and he ate a few bites. I can't figure him out. 

I get glimmers of hope. He saw a commercial for McDonald's biscuits. In the commercial, the fluffy dough is rolled out in slow-motion and then the cutter is slowly turned in the dough to make each biscuit. Then they are shown quickly rising and turning golden brown in the oven. And, at last, someone loving brushes melted butter on top. James said, "I think I want to try a biscuit.". Holy Cow. I wanted to drive to McDonald's right then and there but they weren't serving breakfast anymore.

James has told us before that he will try new foods when he turns 7. Lord I hope so. He turns 7 this summer. Come on lucky #7!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Minecraft Crazy vs 1000 Hours Outdoors

In the last month, we have really revved up our homeschooling schedule. We have had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of creating community for ourselves with other homeschoolers. While we have been a part of an awesome co-op, a number of women I hve grown to know in the past year have come together in a very intentional way to create a social group for ourselves and our children. Among one of our first endeavors was to challenge ourselves to get our kids outside All. The. Time. Everyday. With Spring finally here, we've barely been inside and Minecraft feels like a friend who has gone on sabbatical.


Many a family finds life upended by a child's absorption with computer games. You may find his behavior has deteriorated as he constantly negotiates for more screen time, neglects his chores, and speaks of nothing but the game. Know that it's normal for kids this age to fixate on things, and their obsessions are usually short-lived. Computer games can be addictive, however, so stick to your guns about gaming time limits. Explain that it's your job – no matter how unfair he thinks you're being – to make sure he's healthy. Too much computer time is as bad for him as eating candy for dinner every night. It may also help to figure out why he's so attracted to the game. Does he like to immerse himself in a fantasy world or get caught up in the competition? Or does he like it because his friends are playing it, too? Once you uncover the reason, you may be able to steer him to more productive ways to get the same payoff, like playing board games with you or reading sci-fi books together. Your 6-year-old now

I read this newsflash (hardly) back in the dark days of Winter and wondered if I would ever get James outside again. Now that Spring is here, we are doing Nature studies, watching birds, playing, tennis lessons...and more playing. In case you were wondering, for kids, play is learning. It's actually educational for them to go outside and play in the dirt. Jump in mud puddles. Run around like maniacs to their heart's content. For you readers that need to see the evidence-based reasons, here you go: 1000 Hours Outdoors
Many of us in our community group have boys. If you have ever seen a group of boys up close, you will come to the conclusion that they desperately need time outside to run around and play and pretend...and wrestle. I told the other moms last week that I was going to set up a wrestling ring in the backyard and invite everyone over for wrestle mania homeschool-style. They all laughed!! And no one said, "That's crazy!". They said, "When! Let me know! We'll come!!". Moms know. 
We are attempting 1000 hours outdoors!!!

Biology in the underwear shop

I honestly can't remember the last time I bought underwear and new bras for myself. It's been a while. Probably over a year or more. So today was the day. With James in tow, I went into my favorite store (NOT Victoria's Secret!) at the mall. I picked out 7 pairs of adorable undies and then I picked out bras I had to try on. We headed to the dressing room area and I handed James my phone to keep him busy and tried on my cute things. As we were leaving the store James turns to me and asks, "Mom. Why do women have boobs?".  I can understand the question. The store had many beautiful and colorful underthings for women. Obviously, women put a lot of thought into what they wear under their clothes. So. Here was my answer for James:

Me: First of all, they are breasts. That's the proper term. And women have them for the purpose of feeding their babies milk. That's where it comes from.

James: Oh yeah!

Me: continuing We are mammals remember? And all female mammals have what?

James: Um...

Me: Mammary glands. That's how female mammals produce milk for their babies. Mammals don't lay eggs. We give birth to live babies.

James: That's good. Hatching out of an egg would take WAY too long.

Often with us, a conversation will die to later be resurrected. James picked up this line of thought in the car on the way home. This time, though, he wanted to know how babies came out of the mommy and things progressed from there to what was it was like when he was born, to why did I miscarry last year. Or as he put it, "Why was the pregnancy a fail?". He feels very doubtful that he will ever have a baby brother. I told him that something wasn't developing correctly and God makes a woman's body able to deal with it if that happens. I explained that, statistically, most women will experience a miscarriage at least once. I told him that as far as having a baby brother (or sister), I'm working on it! And I am praying. God loves us and wants us to ask Him for our heart's desire. He will grant it if He desires it for us also. I told him that he should pray for that if it is his heart's desire to be a big brother.

He now knows that women push babies out, not through their butts, as he so eloquently put it. He thought they were cut out. I told him that God made women capable of pushing babies out of their bodies from between their legs. (I didn't offer specifics and he didn't ask). When babies are read to be born, they move deep down in the women's belly so this can happen. He wanted to know if I cried when I was pushing him out. No I did not. He wanted to know if I screamed. (I have no idea where he got the idea that women scream.) No again. I told him I grunted. I was pushing hard! He also asked if women just catch the baby when they are born. Interesting question. "In the hospital", I began, "I had lots of help. Daddy and Ms. Toni were there. There were several nurses and a doctor to help when you came out.

I love his curiosity about EVERYTHING and that he will ask questions about whatever is on his mind. There are times I will tell him, "Ok. I am tired of answering questions" or "I don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's change the subject". But for the most part, answering his questions gives him information and encourages his inquisitiveness. Even in the underwear shop.