Homeschooling has opened many doors to learn about things that I may have had some knowledge about or had NO knowledge. Take, for example, the conversation James and I had in the car today. Most often, our car conversations revolve around God and Heaven. Today, we were listening to some local news and it started a whole 'nother conversation. Apparently, here in North Carolina, about 40 new laws go into affect on December 1st. Before we could hear the story, Mr. Curious sitting in the back seat wanted to know what laws had been passed. Here is the story as we heard it on the radio. I explained the laws about school buses and then James asked if he would ride the bus when he went to high school. I told him "no" that we are planning to homeschool him all the way through. He responded with, "Even in college?!?". Um, no. He says, "What will I do?!?"
And that lead us to this:
Me: Well, what do you want to be when you grow up? That will determine what you study.
James: I want to be a policeman or go into the military. Maybe the police because it's easier since they don't have a bunch of people to fight at once. If I go into the military, I'm going to be the guy standing in the top of the tank with an RPG or rocket launcher. Or maybe I will be a sniper. Or a terrorist.
Me: You will NOT be a terrorist. Do you know what a RPG is??
James: No.
Me: An RPG is a rocket propelled grenade.
James: (moment of silence) I want to carry, like, an AK or a pistol...
Me: Most soldiers carry more than one weapon. You also have to know how to shoot many different weapons and how to take them apart and put them back together.
James: Ugh. Why? I'll just carry a pistol then.
Me: You can't just carry a pistol. You'll have to know how to do that in case you have to take them apart to carry them.
James: I'll just put it in my shirt. You can do that you know. Maybe I'll just be a sniper.
Me: You can't put it in your shirt. We're not talking about your ninja sword. And you must be good at math. Snipers set up far away and then calculate wind direction and speed, distance, if the target is moving or not...We'll have to look up all the military ranks...
James: I don't want to look it up! Let's talk about it right now.
Me: How you enter the military and skills determines your job. And I don't know about the guy in the tank... but like a sniper must have great vision...
James: Got that...
Me: Ok but I don't know all the ranks of the military. The guy at the very top is a 4 or 5-star general and the guy at the bottom is a private. That's how Didi went into the army. And then my friend, Rob, from high school went to officer's school after college and went into the Air Force as an officer.
James: Maybe I can pretend to BE a terrorist so when we fight they won't kill me!
Me: Clever. You could join the CIA. Now the CIA is the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. They have agents that go and collect secrets and secret information from our enemies.
James: Oooohhh! (wicked happy laughter ensues) I can be a SPY!?!
Me: Yes, just like the guy I am reading about all the time.
James: Who?
Me: Scot Harvath. He is a Navy SEAL turned Secret Service agent then a spy who goes on special secret missions to find the enemy...and stuff (i.e., Brad Thor books)
James: Cool.
Me: But you would have to learn a foreign language...
James: Maybe I can just get a voice changer so I talk like them.
Me: Um, no. You have to learn a different language so you can blend in. You have to learn their culture.
James: I can just take a pill...
Me: No. There is no pill.
James: Aw dang it.
And so it goes. Now, I have to learn all the military ranks for future conversations.....or show the 6-year-old where to find it.
This blog began as fun way to document my homeschooling experience. Then my husband cheated on me, and life drastically changed. Now I document my life from the perspective of a Survivor and a Thriver, a Single Mom, dating (on occasion) and finding peace in the life I live. Blessings abound.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Carolina Tiger Rescue
One if the coolest field trips to date! But I am appalled that there is a need for such a place. I recently learned that my fair state has another such facility to handle big cats and other exotic animals that people thought would make great pets. Geez Louise. What a great lesson for kids to learn. These cats are beautiful and majestic ..and serious predators! They aren't pets!!
Carolina Tiger Rescue
Carolina Tiger Rescue
Friday, November 15, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The Birds
Monday, November 4, 2013
This Fall is crazy busy. Is it Christmas break yet?
I have to admit that I was not ready to start school this year. A perpetual summer vacation would have been just fine with me. We picked up right where we left off with my dear son whining and complaining about doing lessons. Ugh. He whines about math every day without fail. Honestly, he spends more time whining and telling me how tired he is than actually doing math!!! It's not too hard. I think he complains because he has to do it by himself. We talk out the word problems together but I require him to do a sheet of math by himself. You'd think I was pinching him. REALLY hard. It's getting easier now that we have an established routine. But it's still not ideal. Here's my week at a glance:
Monday: Lessons, house work/cooking, running sometimes, work-work 4:30-midnight
Tuesday: James with Dad, I have work-work during the day now. (starting to send school work with the boys)
Wednesday: Lessons, house work/cooking, running sometimes, work-work 4:30-midnight
Thursday: Lessons, lunch with my boys at home, work-work 3:00-10:30
Friday: Homeschool co-op where I am teaching and James is taking 2 classes, maybe errands or park afterwards
Saturday: Soccer game and then whatever (see friends, some event, etc)
Sunday: Family day, sleeping in and usually a nice dinner at home together
Since starting school AFTER Labor Day (I just love that!) James started soccer again (1 practice and 1 game per week for 9 weeks), park play days, Homeschool picture day and playing afterwards, Bugfest 2013 at the Museum of Natural Science AND a bike rally on the same day, hanging out with family, doing The Color Run recently, visiting the local fire station and watching them catch stuff on fire. Totally cool. I have lined up a few more field trips as well. We are going to the Carolina Tiger Rescue. Yep, there is actually a need for it. Crazy. And we are going to see Slim Goodbody. Anyone remember him??? I do! From the 1970's! Apparently he HAS been taking care of himself! There is also some extra interpreting jobs that I accept here and there. Hey, I want Christmas money.
We bought the Accountable Kids program and it's working well. James does chores everyday now...including making up his bed. James earned a "Special Date with Mom" and we went to see a movie. He chose the "date" and the movie....Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. Adorable. He almost picked the new Percy Jackson movie because I really wanted to see that one but I told him that I would love to see the meatball movie with him. We ate popcorn and candy for lunch. Washed it down with giant ICEE's. That's the kind of mom I am. With the program, he is leaning some responsibility. Much to his chagrin. But he can earn special dates with Mom or Dad. He says he now wants to earn some time with Regan. She's our neighbor. I should tell her that she might need to make some room in her calendar for James. He has even earned Bonus Bucks for doing extra chores. I didn't know this but he really likes setting the table! And this is one thing he wants to do by himself.
We haven't bought new books for him to read so we are keeping it simple and reading Toad & Frog books, Star Wars books, Ranger Rick or anything else he likes. His favorite bedtime book is Si-cology101. We REALLY like Duck Dynasty.
James is now re-reading all of his Bernstain Bear books. I love that. He will sit in his room during quiet time ( this does not happen daily mind you) but mostly he brings them to me so I can read them to him. Now we are able to take turns reading the pages and that is fun. I have been making a Wish List on Amazon of all the new ones I want to order!!!! But....I'd be lying if I said it was fun right now. There are moments during the day lately that are nice and sweet but most of the time my dear sweet son is testing me.
Monday: Lessons, house work/cooking, running sometimes, work-work 4:30-midnight
Tuesday: James with Dad, I have work-work during the day now. (starting to send school work with the boys)
Wednesday: Lessons, house work/cooking, running sometimes, work-work 4:30-midnight
Thursday: Lessons, lunch with my boys at home, work-work 3:00-10:30
Friday: Homeschool co-op where I am teaching and James is taking 2 classes, maybe errands or park afterwards
Saturday: Soccer game and then whatever (see friends, some event, etc)
Sunday: Family day, sleeping in and usually a nice dinner at home together
Since starting school AFTER Labor Day (I just love that!) James started soccer again (1 practice and 1 game per week for 9 weeks), park play days, Homeschool picture day and playing afterwards, Bugfest 2013 at the Museum of Natural Science AND a bike rally on the same day, hanging out with family, doing The Color Run recently, visiting the local fire station and watching them catch stuff on fire. Totally cool. I have lined up a few more field trips as well. We are going to the Carolina Tiger Rescue. Yep, there is actually a need for it. Crazy. And we are going to see Slim Goodbody. Anyone remember him??? I do! From the 1970's! Apparently he HAS been taking care of himself! There is also some extra interpreting jobs that I accept here and there. Hey, I want Christmas money.
We bought the Accountable Kids program and it's working well. James does chores everyday now...including making up his bed. James earned a "Special Date with Mom" and we went to see a movie. He chose the "date" and the movie....Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. Adorable. He almost picked the new Percy Jackson movie because I really wanted to see that one but I told him that I would love to see the meatball movie with him. We ate popcorn and candy for lunch. Washed it down with giant ICEE's. That's the kind of mom I am. With the program, he is leaning some responsibility. Much to his chagrin. But he can earn special dates with Mom or Dad. He says he now wants to earn some time with Regan. She's our neighbor. I should tell her that she might need to make some room in her calendar for James. He has even earned Bonus Bucks for doing extra chores. I didn't know this but he really likes setting the table! And this is one thing he wants to do by himself.
Uncle Si's new book |
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Toad and Frog |
We haven't bought new books for him to read so we are keeping it simple and reading Toad & Frog books, Star Wars books, Ranger Rick or anything else he likes. His favorite bedtime book is Si-cology
James is now re-reading all of his Bernstain Bear books. I love that. He will sit in his room during quiet time ( this does not happen daily mind you) but mostly he brings them to me so I can read them to him. Now we are able to take turns reading the pages and that is fun. I have been making a Wish List on Amazon of all the new ones I want to order!!!! But....I'd be lying if I said it was fun right now. There are moments during the day lately that are nice and sweet but most of the time my dear sweet son is testing me.
Chores are curriculum!?!?!
I came across this article this morning in my Facebook news feed. Love my news feed.
The Joy of Chores
I bought the Accountable Kids program when we started our school year this year and it has been quite a challenge. It's so simple and straight-forward but I still find that after 2 months I am still nagging James to do chores. He is not even motivated by money to do extra chores. Could he possibly STILL be testing me to see if I will throw up my hands in frustration and just give up??? Never I say! He doesn't yet realize that he gets that tenacious persistence from SOME where. Hmf.
For him, chores are the antithesis of fun and if it's not fun then why even do it. I am here as a reality check for my son. I am the one who is teaching him that life is not always fair, not always fun but it can still be rewarding. I mean, brushing teeth is not super fun but you DO get to keep your teeth. Having your hair shampooed is not always fun but your scalp won't itch or smell bad. And this world is not clothing-optional so getting dressed does in fact mean putting on a top and a bottom AND underwear. Yes, I have to tell him that.
He did almost wear me down last week. I hated that I sounded like a nag so I told him and his Dad (sweet hubby that I love) that I was going to start living like they do. Chores aren't fun??? You are SOOOO right. I'll stop doing them too. I even pulled the Accountable Kids cards off the wall! And to my astonishment, James started to cry! What is that??!?! This doesn't compute. My husband put it back up for me...and James. And I came up with an idea. For every day that he doesn't do his chores on his own, I take a $1 from him. If he's not going to do his chores, I may end up doing them so I should get paid. We also started taking away candy when he exhibits bad behavior. He has TONS of Halloween candy so this is awesome right now. And he does love his candy. James will tell me, "I will punch you in the face" when he doesn't like what I have asked him to do. Horrible, right??? I finally figured where he was hearing that. A kid on one of those Minecraft videos on Youtube says that to an adult. Facepalm! He also likes to smack his fist into his hand and try and give me the stink eye. Seriously. He does this mostly with me. A mom friend suggested that he feels safe with me and so he tests the limits in a huge way with me. Wow.
Sometimes being the mom is not fun. But we have lovely moments like when James happily helped me separate clothes to be washed and then put them in the washing machine. That was weird...and fun. He likes to sit together with a book. We are doing devotionals everyday now. He needs it. I do too. I found this one and it's short and sweet and made for kids.
I pray for harmony and work hard now for those "smooth and easy days" that Charlotte Mason talks about. We'll get there one day. Soon I hope.
The Joy of Chores
I bought the Accountable Kids program when we started our school year this year and it has been quite a challenge. It's so simple and straight-forward but I still find that after 2 months I am still nagging James to do chores. He is not even motivated by money to do extra chores. Could he possibly STILL be testing me to see if I will throw up my hands in frustration and just give up??? Never I say! He doesn't yet realize that he gets that tenacious persistence from SOME where. Hmf.
For him, chores are the antithesis of fun and if it's not fun then why even do it. I am here as a reality check for my son. I am the one who is teaching him that life is not always fair, not always fun but it can still be rewarding. I mean, brushing teeth is not super fun but you DO get to keep your teeth. Having your hair shampooed is not always fun but your scalp won't itch or smell bad. And this world is not clothing-optional so getting dressed does in fact mean putting on a top and a bottom AND underwear. Yes, I have to tell him that.
He did almost wear me down last week. I hated that I sounded like a nag so I told him and his Dad (sweet hubby that I love) that I was going to start living like they do. Chores aren't fun??? You are SOOOO right. I'll stop doing them too. I even pulled the Accountable Kids cards off the wall! And to my astonishment, James started to cry! What is that??!?! This doesn't compute. My husband put it back up for me...and James. And I came up with an idea. For every day that he doesn't do his chores on his own, I take a $1 from him. If he's not going to do his chores, I may end up doing them so I should get paid. We also started taking away candy when he exhibits bad behavior. He has TONS of Halloween candy so this is awesome right now. And he does love his candy. James will tell me, "I will punch you in the face" when he doesn't like what I have asked him to do. Horrible, right??? I finally figured where he was hearing that. A kid on one of those Minecraft videos on Youtube says that to an adult. Facepalm! He also likes to smack his fist into his hand and try and give me the stink eye. Seriously. He does this mostly with me. A mom friend suggested that he feels safe with me and so he tests the limits in a huge way with me. Wow.
Sometimes being the mom is not fun. But we have lovely moments like when James happily helped me separate clothes to be washed and then put them in the washing machine. That was weird...and fun. He likes to sit together with a book. We are doing devotionals everyday now. He needs it. I do too. I found this one and it's short and sweet and made for kids.
I pray for harmony and work hard now for those "smooth and easy days" that Charlotte Mason talks about. We'll get there one day. Soon I hope.
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