Well, as of today, I have had to buy the next levels for James' reading, writing and math curricula. I am just in shock that he has completed so much work this year already. We started off in September nice and slow. My goal this year was to start with the fundamentals and not rush James. I would teach to his pace. There were days he would ask for more...so I said OK! Who would say "No!", am I right?!?!?! I did wonder what would happen come December. We would be in the middle of the year and James would be hitting the 5 1/2 years-old mark. I thought the pace might pick up a bit then. And by February he was done with the pre-reading level. Cool! Now we are 18 lessons in the Level 1 reading course and HE is reading to ME! I do love that so much! We finished the math program about 2 or 3 weeks ago and just got the new student workbook today. I had been printing worksheets that I found and using those to reinforce what we had been doing there. AND, I got to place some old books and manuals on consignment at the homeschool store. Bonus!!
We never miss a play date and we have made plans to see friends during those weeks there isn't a park play day planned. And I can't forget soccer! James has 3 more games this season. He's excited about this Saturday's game because I am the Mom who is bringing snacks for the team. :) It's the little things. I have planned/organized my first field trip for this Friday and I'm really excited!!! We're taking a trip to the planetarium! 20 people are going! I haven't been there myself since I was a kid in school. I remember going into the big doomed room and lying on the floor, gazing up at the stars...and learning all about the constellations from "Connie Constellation"! LOL
It's been a while since I have posted pictures of James. He's getting so big!!! And handsome! (I am totally biased!)
Happy Easter! Bach! Bach! |